There’s a buzzing and it’s not coming from the spring-time bees.
Jacinda Ardern, crowned Queen by Winston Peters, has now officially been sworn in as Prime Minister of New Zealand. The swearing-in ceremony was long, but the vibrancy of the Kiwi-as welcome back to Parliament overshadowed the official part of the day.
“Stardust stompers” – made up of part of Fat Freddie’s Drop and a number of other Kiwi musicians serenaded the hundreds gathered to glimpse and coo at the new PM. Some even gave her flowers.
And she promised them she wants her Government to be judged on its record for helping the country’s most vulnerable, children and the elderly.
She’ll establish a unit within her own Department of the Prime Minster and Cabinet, specifically to oversee the country’s poverty reduction efforts and ensure they’re working.
As the Minister for Child Poverty Reduction, Ardern sure hopes she’ll leave in her legacy just that.
Those hundreds of people on Parliament’s forecourt were a lively lot, they chanted the Prime Minister’s name and cheered at every uttered word. The grins on her new Ministers’ faces beamed back. The sun shone off Minister of Defence Ron Mark’s service medals. And it was hugs and kisses more prominent than handshakes.
That new-Government buzzing will be in the Beehive by Monday – with the National Party casting its own web across the three floors of the old Parliament Buildings. One they haven’t had to cast for nine years.
And like spiders, they’ll be crawling all over the new Government’s every move.
The first test for the Queen Bee: a meeting of world leaders in Vietnam. The Prime Minister’s already discussing her plan of attack to make sure her promise of banning foreign buyers from buying existing homes is kept when trade talks evidently crop up.
And it’ll be Kelvin Davis, who defiantly took his Ministerial oath in Maori, who’ll man the hive until she returns.
To continue the humming Ardern must now keep to her promises, and it starts with her Government’s 100 day plan.
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