Nutters Club
11pm-1am Sun

The Nutters Club is a world first, online and offline media phenomenon that has changed and saved lives. It has spawned a very large, strong and supportive Facebook community and morphed into a popular television series on Maori Television. Over 500,000 people view the Nutters Club Facebook page every week.
It’s stated mission is "to forever change the way people, feel, think, talk and behave in relation to their mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, cultural and sexual well being; and in doing so encourage us all to take ownership of our own health and well being.” In plain English it’s a show about “Nutters helping other Nutters live at peace with themselves and others, so that we can all lead meaningful lives.”
The Nutters Club deals with all the tough stuff that many in society would prefer to keep in the closet. Topics like mental health issues, drug/alcohol addictions and the socially taboo. The show is hosted by Hamish Williams and Kyle MacDonald.
Hamish has worked in radio and media since age 12, drawn to it for the power that it had to share stories and help others. Involved with “The Nutters Club” since 2009 he has been a regular fill in for Mike King until becoming the main stay in 2017. Having experienced the impact of suicide personally he understands first hand challenges of mental health.
Our resident psychotherapist with 20 years experience - also writes a weekly mental health column for the New Zealand Herald (see: www.nzherald.co.nz/author/kyle-macdonald).
“Secrets keep you sick” is our motto. There are no secrets at The Nutters Club.
Navigating Mental Health Crises
23 March 2025: Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald discuss identifying and navigating mental health crises - for ourselves and for others. With thanks...
The importance of connection to the places we're from
16 March 2025: How does where we're from inform our identity and how we see ourselves? Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald talk about how a connection...
How can we best manage our mental health?
09 March 2025: Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald talk about how to approach our mental health in a way that gives us the best chance at wellbeing. With...
Glen Green: Breaking cycles of crime and violence through Basketball
02 March 2025: Glen Green grew up in a violent environment; a rough start that was the breeding ground for anger - at his situation, at those around him and at the...
Stefan Ozich: A 6000km journey for men’s mental health
23 February 2025: After losing both his brother and a close friend to suicide, endurance runner Stefan Ozich embarked on a 6000km journey, running the length of...
Brenda James: Learning to believe in yourself through adversity
16 February 2025: Brenda James shares her life experiences including her story of overcoming alcoholism with 15 years of sobriety under her belt. She also talks...
Professor Emeritus Rob Kydd - From the 70s hippie trail to psychiatric advocacy
09 February 2025: Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry Rob Kydd shares about his life in mental health including his pathway to becoming a psychiatrist including travelling...
Edward Stanaway: Finding hope when we feel hopeless
02 February 2025: In his life, Edward Stanaway has experienced grief through losing a child, and also rejection - applying for 2000 jobs in 18 months without a single...
The little things that have a big impact on our mental health
26 January 2025: Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald talk about how little things in life cumulatively influence our mental health. With thanks to...
How shifting our mindset can influence our 2025
19 January 2025: In the first Nutters Club show for 2025 Hamish Williams looks at how the stories we tell ourselves influence how our mindset is crafted towards...
How to survive Christmas with your mental health intact
15 December 2024: For the final Nutters Club show of 2024 Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald talk about strategies for making it through the stress...
Daniel Kalderimis - Lawyer on healing depression through embracing imperfection
08 December 2024: Falling into a serious depression in his 40s, successful Wellington litigation lawyer Daniel Kalderimis set out a quest to "fix himself". His...
Detective Inspector Scott Beard: On processing Grace Millaine's murder
01 December 2024: Detective Inspector Scott Beard joins Hamish Williams and Psychotherapist Kyle McDonald on the eve of the anniversary of the murder of Grace Millane...
Sarah Trotman, ONZM: What failure teaches us
24 November 2024: Sarah Trotman, ONZM, business leader and elected member on Auckland Council’s Waitematā Local Board, talks to Hamish Williams and psychologist...
Developing self-belief after complex trauma
17 November 2024: Long-time caller and supporter of The Nutters Club, Bronny joins us in studio to share her journey through Complex-PTSD. She talks about finding...
Rob Harley on repairing a "calloused heart": Top NZ journalist's mental health story
10 November 2024: After being put under mental health act and ending up in the psych ward for three weeks end of 2023, Rob Harley, one of New Zealand's most experienced...
Boris Sokratov: The Nutters Club producer on cancer journey
03 November 2024: The co-founder and producer of The Nutters Club Boris Sokratov joins his colleagues Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald to share...
Navigating Overwhelm in a Chaotic World
27 October 2024: At a time of heightened global stress, uncertainty and information overload, feelings of overwhelm are becoming increasingly common for many. Hamish...
Dave Atkinson: Grief, adoption and learning to be a parent
20 October 2024: CEO of Parenting Place, Dave Atkinson joins counsellor Mick Andrews and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald sharing his parenting journey with his wife...
Dr Tony Fernando: A psychiatrist's advice for being like Buddha
06 October 2024: Dr Tony Fernando is a psychiatrist, sleep specialist, former ordained Buddhist monk and author of new book Life Hacks from the Buddha - How to be...
Vaughan Winiata: Supporting gang members to find life without the patch
06 October 2024: Prison reintegration worker Vaughan Winiata talks about Hoki Mai; a gang Reform program run in New Zealand’s biggest men’s prisons helping gang...
15 Year Nutters Club Anniversary Celebration
29 September 2024: The Nutters Club celebrates 15 years on air! Host Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald reflect on the evolution of one the first...
Mental Health Awareness Week - What we should be becoming aware of?
22 September 2024: As Mental Health Awareness Week kicks off in New Zealand, Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald talk to callers about what the elements...
Rose Heta Minhinnick: Gambling and alcohol addiction recovery
15 September 2024: Growing up surrounded by gambling, one of Rose Heta Minhinnick's earliest memories was being taken to the races by her mother. Her beginnings...
Psychotherapist Beth St. Claire on cults and control
08 September 2024: What are cults? How do we known we're in one? How we get out and what happens when one of our loved ones gets mixed up in one? Psychotherapist...
Lance Burdett: Former police negotiator on understanding and managing anxiety
01 September 2024: Former police negotiator and author of "Anxiety is a worry" Lance Burdett, talks about the nature of anxiety and practical ways to manage it including...
Surviving rare neurological disorder and intense bullying: A young woman's story of healing
25 August 2024: Born with morpheus disorder, a very rare neurological condition, Taylor endured years of intense verbal and physical bullying at school. She made...
On New Zealand's frontline mental health services
18 August 2024: The commissioner of Health New Zealand-Te Whatu Ora, Dr Lester Levy, has this week promised frontline clinical positions won’t be cut - but warns...
Dan Oatridge: Surviving anxiety and depression & Mental Health First Aid
11 August 2024: Dan Oatridge suffered addiction and was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression which led to him having to leave his work and ultimately down...
Eugene Rider: Transforming cycles of violence into positive change
04 August 2024: Eugene Rider spent his childhood surrounded by violence and abuse, subsequently spending his early teen years between boys' homes and living on the...
Robbie 'Gooserooter’ Shefford: Navigating mental health in rural lives
28 July 2024: Seasoned farmer, truck, and tractor driver from Geraldine, Robbie 'Gooserooter' Shefford delves into the unique mental health challenges faced by...
Glenda Law: Dealing with the impacts and grief of suicide
21 July 2024: After Glenda Law went through the heartbreaking reality of losing her mother and several family members to suicide, she created the support pathways...
Riqi Harawera: Rising Above Trauma
14 July 2024: Riqi Harawera talks about the masks he began to wear as coping mechanisms as a small child growing up in an unstable environment. These masks developed...
How to boost our feel-good hormones and wellbeing through connection
07 July 2024: Hamish Williams and psychologist Dr Emma Woodward talk about the significance of connection in our lives for maximising our dopamine, serotonin and...
Winter blues: How to support your mental health in the depths of winter
30 June 2024: As the days grow colder and shorter, and our Vitamin D levels decline, our mental health can face significant challenges. We might experience low energy,...
Alan Farragher: Mental health in the construction world
23 June 2024: One tradie in the construction industry in New Zealand dies by suicide every week. Working in construction since he was 16, Alan Farragher began to...
Little things people do for us that matter
16 June 2024: Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald talk to callers about how little acts of kindness and support have made a huge difference in their...
Access to Mental Health Services in New Zealand: Are We Coping?
09 June 2024: This week Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission has revealed that here has been a dramatic dropoff in New Zealanders able to access specialist mental...
Sooz Fougère: Embracing loneliness and stepping into self-worth
02 June 2024: Finding out that the man who raised her wasn't her father, sowed a seed of deep unbelonging in Sooz Fougère. As life became busy with work and family,...
From addiction to advocacy: Guy Wills on transforming our relationship with alcohol
26 May 2024: At 26, Guy Wills was a young man searching for his place in the world. Alcohol helped him fit into social circles more easily and soothe pressures he...
Insights into dealing with conflict positively
24 May 2024: How do you experience and resolve conflict? Join Hamish Williams and psychologist Dr. Emma Woodward as they explore positive ways to handle conflict...
Matthew Steans: Saving lives through data and technology
12 May 2024: After witnessing a suicide, losing a friend to suicide and experiencing his own struggles with mental health, Matthew Steans shifted from finance to...
Uaine Junior Fa: Boxing and seeking the meaning of life
05 May 2024: Former professional boxer Uaine Junior Fa, talks his successful sporting career and the road he took afterwards; one that had had him questioning life...
Helping to help mental health
28 April 2024: Helping hands boost good mental health in society; both helping and being helped make us feel good and connects us to community. Hamish Williams and...
Neil Harding: Surviving Dilworth School sexual abuse
21 April 2024: Former Dilworth School student Neil Harding was one of 233 known victims of sexual abuse and grooming at the school in cases which span a period of...
Matt Doocey: New Zealand's first Minister of Mental Health
14 April 2024: The first ever Minister of Mental Health in New Zealand, Matt Doocey, joins Hamish Williams and psychotherapist Kyle MacDonald to talk about improving...
Living with health diagnoses and their ripple effects
07 April 2024: Living with a serious health diagnosis can make a significant impact on our lives, and take a toll on friends and family. Hamish Williams and psychotherapist...
Cam Calkoen: Determining our reality in the face of great challenge
31 March 2024: Inspirational speaker Cam Calkoen, born with cerebral palsy was told his biggest challenges in life would be both the way he walks and the way he...
Julia Grace: How to be kind to your mind
24 March 2024: Speaker and author Julia Grace didn't know how to express her feelings. Through the breakdown of her marriage she realised how not being able to articulate...