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Programme Info, June 3 2017

Publish Date
Sat, 3 Jun 2017, 12:31pm

Programme Info, June 3 2017

Publish Date
Sat, 3 Jun 2017, 12:31pm

Special Guest

Lotta Dann - Book: Mrs D is Going Within: How a frantic, sugar-bingeing, internet-loving, recovering-alcoholic housewife found her Zen (Allen and Unwin $33).

Visit the Living Sober website: www.livingsober.org.nz

Lotta's blog can be found here: livingwithoutalcohol.blogspot.co.nz

Listen to the full interview here

Francesca Rudkin: Movies

Baywatch starring Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron and Priyanka Chopra. Francesca's verdict: 2.5/5

Wonder Woman starring Gal Gadot,  Robin Wright and Chris Pine. Francesca's verdict: 4/5

McLaren directed by Roger Donaldson and starring Dwyane Cameron. Francesca's verdict: 3/5

Nici Wickes: Food

Nici's in Bali with a traditional Balinese Salad.  Gado Gado means 'mix-mix' and a meal without rice. You can find the recipe on our page and for more inspiration visit www.niciwickes.com or her Facebook page: facebook.com/niciwickes

Hannah McQueen: Financial planning

Book - Pocket Money to Property: How to create financially independent kids (Allen & Unwin NZD $29.99)

Seminar Series: Creating Financially Independent Kids

To end up in the same financial place as their parents, kids today need to be better, faster and smarter. 

Hannah is holdine seminars in Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Tauranga, Hamilton, Auckland and Whangarei.                  

Details and ticket information can be found on Hannah's website: hannahmcqueen.com.

Ruud Kleinpaste: Gardening

What we can do to protect our native bird species

  • Plant the good food plants for birds (nectar/pollen/fruits/seeds) to attract them and sustain them throughout the year
  • Give birds shelter and places to nest - Tuis, Bellbirds and Kaka don't breed on lawns or concrete slabs!
  • Keep your moggie inside
  • Control the hedgehogs

Mike Yardley: Travel

A taste of Tokyo. You can check out Mike's article here: newstalkzb.co.nz/lifestyle

Catherine Raynes: Books

The Most Beautiful Woman in Florence Alyssa Palombo, Macmillan $35

Anything is Possible by Elizabeth Strout, Penguin $35

Andrew Dickens: Music

Roger Waters Is This The Life We Really Want? - Andrew's verdict: 7/10

Produced by Nigel Godrich who was the producer behind Radiohead and Beck, it sounds like a mash up of those artists and the Floyd - but not as good as any of those three. 

Roger's 73, is upset with the state of the world and is railing against it on top of a downbeat rumble of music. It feels slow and ponderous with little relief. It needs to be played at high volume to gain a spark of life. It has some poignant lyrics and moments but I think it’s not as significant as its maker believes it should be.

Floyd fans will snap it up and critics will say he's still relevant but to me the album doesn’t even make Roger's top 10.  The forthcoming world tour should be pretty cool though.

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