Living a sustainable lifestyle can often put you at odds with the mainstream perspective, as Kate Hall knows well. So how do you navigate disagreements and deal with other people’s opinions when trying to live up to your values? Here are a few tips from Kate:
Lead with Positivity
Don’t instigate or engage in conversations about sustainability unless they were started or consented by the other person - otherwise you'll end up sounding like you're 'preaching'. Most likely more change and cohesion will come when you simply go about your life and others observe you.
Focus on What You Can Control
Put your energy into the changes you can make, rather than getting caught up in others’ opinions.
Grace for Yourself & Others
Give yourself and those around you room to learn and grow without judgment.
Build a Supportive Circle
Surround yourself with people who support or share your values (what my current tour is all about!) but avoid echo-chambers where everyone thinks the same. Keep a balance of diverse perspectives.
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