Do you think Julie Anne Genter thinks before she speaks? Do you think she thinks about anything apart from climate change? Do you think in trying to change our view on climate change or to get us to be as obsessive as her, she works out how nutty she sounds before she says stuff?Â
Do you think she does James Shaw the good courtesy of handing him a heads up, that she is off on another weird tangent? And that, that tangent is going probably, not from her point of view of course, but probably going to make the Greens look nutty again? And does James Shaw pull his hair out at this point, and wonder if there is work offshore he could be doing that takes him away from the asylum hems found himself in?Â
Genter is after the health service.Â
Not on hospital care, not on patients not getting treatment, not on waiting lists, not on their debt, not on the fact there are too many DHBs, not on the staffing shortages, not on the diabetes epidemic, not on the obesity crisis, not on any health related matter that bogs this country's health fiscal and social system down.Â
But on climate change. Yes, she's after the hospitals on climate change.Â
And in doing so, she's sticking yet another knife into the farmers, the backbone of our economy and foreign income success. She wants hospitals serving less meat and less milk to help their carbon footprint.Â
Do you even think your average hospital worker has time to even consider what their hospital's carbon footprint is? Or do you think in the old ED department they might be a bit more worried about the knifings, heart attacks, overdoses, and road carnage? But no, ol' Genter is banging on about the carbon footprint.
Of course, having seen hospital food, whether any of it could be called meat outside of the luncheon sausage, which I don’t think any of us think of as meat, so I'm not sure they serve meat per se.Â
She recommends almond milk, of course she does. Probably tofu as well.Â
It's almost like she's a caricature, and yet she is a woman of power. She is a Minister in the government, a person who can affect real change.Â
And yet under a system groaning with systemic trouble, leaking buildings, hundreds of millions of debt, sacked boards and appointed commissioners, all she can muster her energy to produce is yet another time wasting, touchy feely, woke pile of crap, in the form of an edict, to pedal yet again her wacky, out of touch, totally inappropriate agenda.Â
As for the farmers, what must they think? Along with the Emissions Trading Scheme, the levies, the water quality attacks, and now an open warfare plan to undermine all they do.
Is she working for the enemy? Is this economic treason? How obscure, weird, and unusual do you need to be before literally everyone writes you off as a joke?
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