MARCUS LUSH NIGHTS8pm–Midnight weekdays
Gather round New Zealand’s largest watercooler – Marcus Lush Nights.
If you’ve always wanted to join a movement now’s your chance.
Marcus Lush engages Kiwis from all walks of life, discussing the issues that matter most.
His sharp wit, depth of knowledge and crazy idiosyncrasies create what has become one of New Zealand’s most loved programmes.
Just as much at home in the metropolis as he is in the Deep South, Marcus has the ability to relate to everyone, no matter their background.
Email him at [email protected], and give him a call on 0800 80 10 80.Â
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We're eating a LOT of KFC as a country, plus Marcus has determined the kind of crime he'd like to see citizen's arrests enabled for. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus talks about how terrible the Hamilton fountain is and why, of all the solutions to retail crime, citizen's arrests is the dumbest. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus collects your O.E. stories, and wonders why our Prime Minister hasn't improved his ability to answer straightforward questions. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus gets a crash course on road construction, gets to the bottom of a regional food delicacy mystery, and (surprising absolutely no one) people are still having...
Marcus leverages a Friday free-for-all to cover "kettle-quette", giant sheep, and getting an ID card with your photo on it. LISTEN ABOVE
What makes a good neighbour? Have you ever been the terrible neighbour? And would you ever lend a neighbour your outdoor heater? LISTEN ABOVE
21 people were killed on this day in 1938 - but can you remember what happened? Also, did you see the C-130 land at Wigram this afternoon? And how do you get rid...
Marcus is not a fan of the Halbergs, no one is really a fan of that tourist slogan, but everyone IS a fan of German bread! LISTEN ABOVE
It's a bit of a free-for-all Monday covering Canada Geese, exploding gas cylinders, a terrible tourism slogan, and vaping. LISTEN ABOVE
What is the feature of your otherwise-perfect car that drives you around the bend? Also Valentine's Day, flights to Turkey, and a solution more people should know...
Marcus talks about the heatwave hitting Hamilton, Manuka honey and its various uses, and the best way to mark World Radio Day. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus talks cicadas, Nando's, Wanaka saying 'no' to a McDonald's, and the ground being too hot for dogs to walk on. LISTEN ABOVE
Should a Super Rugby player be able to withdraw themself from a Super Rugby promotion? Should mayors live in the town they're the mayor of? Should we get rid of...
Marcus talks a bit about the Superbowl, and asks whether there's anything to gain or lose from joining the Commonwealth of Australia. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus has a new toasted sandwich maker and is loving it, Kyle has a new tattoo and is in a bit of pain, and Barb has some questions she's been thinking about since...
Marcus talks mowing lawns, wicker baskets, and Bribie Island. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus spends a night celebrating and remembering the Hercules C-130s, which are officially ending their service in New Zealand's Defence Force. LISTEN ABOVE
With the Crusaders playing the Blues there in a pre-season match, Marcus talks about Kirwee and the pubs of NZ that have burnt down. LISTEN ABOVE
Are you a hoarder? And where is the line between 'collecting' and 'hoarding' anyway?? Plus talking about the American Airlines flight that crashed midair with an...
While talking about the tragic plane and helicopter crash in the United States, Paul phoned to tell his story of being a passenger onboard United Flight 811, which...
Marcus wants to know who he talks to all the time at the supermarket, and hears about your first day at school. LISTEN ABOVE
In news we covered a few months ago, Sky TV is having a rough go of it in a number of ways. Plus, a late night quake wakes up the lower North Island. LISTEN ABOVE
While talking about Sir Peter Snell (and his breaking of the mile world record by 0.1s at Cooks Gardens), Anne phoned to reminisce about the time she met Peter at...
Marcus talks about expensive school uniforms, custom confiscations, and the night Sir Peter Snell broke a world record. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus poses the question: What could you talk about for an hour? The podcast features the last two hours of the show. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus responds to the Prime Minister's claim that more Eden Park concerts will boost the country's economy, and talks milk and milkshakes. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus talks diamonds (kind of), taking photos for tourists, the number 13, and shearing sheep. LISTEN ABOVE
Marcus talks holiday injuries, takes more 2025 predictions, and gets to the bottom of the splitting of the atom. LISTEN ABOVE
After talking about his holiday and catching up on Auckland's SailGP action over the weekend, Marcus begins the 2025 Predictions game. LISTEN ABOVE
For the final show of 2024, Marcus collects highlights of the year, gets to the bottom of a cancelled Summer festival, and gets Christmas well wishes from callers...