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Tim Beveridge: We might see a solution for cancer drug funding in the coming weeks

Publish Date
Mon, 3 Jun 2024, 11:30am

Tim Beveridge: We might see a solution for cancer drug funding in the coming weeks

Publish Date
Mon, 3 Jun 2024, 11:30am

There's been a plethora of coverage around the budget. And I'll admit to you, it sort of has my head spinning. If you want to hate the budget, you can find plenty of opinions that will back up your view. And if you want to love it, you'll find the same as well. But I think there is one thing where most of us are probably on the same page - and that is the failure of the budget to announce the funding of those 13 cancer drugs which the National Party campaigned on.  

Look, if you want to split hairs, you might say, “Well, that was a National Party promise and this is a coalition government. So who knows what got in the way there.” So maybe it's not actually that straightforward. But when it comes to delivering everything you've promised, I think it's a bit of a black mark. There were a lot of New Zealanders who were hanging out for the announcement that cancer treatments that they were desperate for, were going to receive that much anticipated funding.  

However, I think it's fair to say in the last 24 hours or so, there's been a glimmer of light. Because one of the things in politics is: things seem to move very slowly. But Nicola Willis's appearance yesterday on Q&A, and some of the comments that have emerged, seem to give hope that the government is actually going to move at pace to address the issue. 

She said that they would be working urgently and there be announcement this year. I wouldn't mind gambling that the announcement is only a matter of weeks away. And look, we can get distracted by the mechanics of it all, because it isn't that straightforward. One: they've got to fund it, but technically they're not supposed to tell Pharmac what they're supposed to spend their money on. So, they might have to take an extra step and say, “look, we're going to give you this money, but it's for these drugs.”  Bu it's not going to be plain sailing, given that Pharmac is independent. It would be a big move by the government to also dictate the particular treatments that should be funded.  

So, if there's a brick bat, the government has earned on this one, then maybe it's going to be followed up with the tiniest of bouquets. Hopefully what Nicola Willis has said is that they are going to be pretty close to announcing those cancer drugs. So we give them a small bouquet on that one. Don't hold your breath - but I would say that it’s only a matter of weeks away, so fingers crossed on that one.  

And you know what? It's good to admit you're wrong, isn't it? Instead of just trying to avoid accountability. She's admitted it. And they're gonna do something about it. So, fingers crossed it'll all get addressed. 






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