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Tim Beveridge: I'm still not convinced that Golriz takes responsibility for offending

Publish Date
Fri, 28 Jun 2024, 10:41am
Photo / Michael Craig

Tim Beveridge: I'm still not convinced that Golriz takes responsibility for offending

Publish Date
Fri, 28 Jun 2024, 10:41am

It’s interesting what a night's sleep can do for your perspective.  

So we had the Golriz Ghahraman sentencing yesterday and the anticipation of a sentence which had been building up ahead of steam - with most people fearing (or hoping, depending on your perspective) that she might get a discharge without conviction.  

I had a sense of relief when Judge June Jelas convicted her and fined her.  

I think the judge got it about right. It's always bugged me that those with the most to lose will argue that they should avoid conviction, because they have more at stake than some other poor wretch.  

My view has always been that if you've got a lot to lose - maybe that should be your motivation before you go and do something stupid.  

Now, I don't think I’ll shift anyone's opinions on Golriz Ghahraman. And obviously the whole experience for her must have been horrendous. A very painful fall from grace.  

But ultimately, to be honest with you, I'm still not convinced that Golriz really takes responsibility for offending. In fact, I'm not convinced at all, because her excuses seem to say “Well, yes, I did take the items, but here are a bunch of reasons why I did it.”  

Perhaps the most outrageous moment to me was a question from John Campbell: “If you were a young brown woman from your background, would you go into Parliament now?”  

And she doesn't hesitate. She goes, “No, I wouldn't do it. I think there are better things to do for our communities.” She says, “That's a terrible thing to say. You know, I didn't break the glass ceiling. It's like the shards are still in my face. I just went up against it really hard.” 

I'm sorry, but the only thing you banged up against was the wall that you ran into when you shoplifted and took things that weren't yours.  

And, by the way, look at all the number of people from diverse backgrounds and women who are doing quite well, thank you very much, regardless of the colour of their skin, ethnicity or culture.  

Who knows what motivations she had? In the end, we make up our own minds. And as I say, a good night’s sleep can take a bit of the heat out of it.  

But from the judge's point of view: there's been consequences to this offending, they've been entered on the record - and for that I'm grateful.  

But if you're looking for accountability - then I'm afraid you'll need to look elsewhere. 



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