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The biggest tenancy law reform in 35 years will come into effect next month, and many landlords are unhappy.
From February 11, major changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 become law, embedding tenants more firmly and making it harder for landlords to evict, with a far more limited range of reasons.
Anthony Appleton Tattersall - an accountant specialising in property - says it's not a single issue but "progressively more responsibilities and costs being pushed on them over time".
Mr Appleton Tattersall told Tim Dower he believes the removal of the 90 day no tenancy law is unnecessary.
"It's only affecting, the numbers I've read, are two to three per cent of tenants in a given year, and they tend to be for reasons of anti-social behaviour."
He says the law doesn't typically affect good tenants, but most other law reforms are "good and well-justified".
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