There is disappointment with how the Government is handling tenancies and rentals during the lockdown.Â
The Finance Minister has confirmed to Newstalk ZB that there are no plans to scrap legislation which freezes rent increases until September 25.
Landlords are also not able to end tenancies until after June 25.
President of the New Zealand Property Investors Federation Sharon Cullwick told Heather du Plessis-Allan that she is disappointed by the stance.Â
"For landlords is one thing, but also for those people who want to move into their own house, because in some situations they can't even do that."
She says that some people may have also signed tenancy agreements pre-lockdown but can't move into houses either.Â
Cullwick says that Government seem to be calculating how many first home buyers are moving into the market
"What they don't realise though is that when a house gets sold from a rental to a first home buyer, you actually need another house to house those people, because there's more people living in a rental house than a first home buyer."Â
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