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Rachel Smalley: Trump should go back to beauty pageants

Rachel Smalley,
Publish Date
Wed, 9 Dec 2015, 8:28am

Rachel Smalley: Trump should go back to beauty pageants

Rachel Smalley,
Publish Date
Wed, 9 Dec 2015, 8:28am

Donald Trump.

That man. Well, that monster is perhaps a more apt description.

It is 'not' a fine line between politicking and hate speech. It is a mile thick -- but Trump keeps busting through it week after week.

That he wants to ban Muslims from entering the US is ridiculous.

That he retains his platform to spout such offense doesn't quell ideologies -- it fuels them.

The man is a fool.

He is elitist. He is sexist. He is racist -- and right now, he is spouting his rot from the biggest stage in the world. Giving him a platform is not enabling free speech. It's enabling hate speech.

I never thought this possible, but Trump's ignorance and complete disconnect from foreign issues and foreign policy is worse then George W Bush. Who would have thought that possible?

And look at the mess we're dealing with now in the wake of Bush's warmongering. Imagine, just imagine if Trump gets in power?

Lets pause for a moment and consider Trump and his Muslim ban.

That would mean Sonny Bill Williams couldn't enter the US. Some 20 million Malaysians would be told they couldn't enter the States. The former Pakistani cricketer -- Imran Khan. He'd be banned. Amal Clooney, the humanitarian lawyer and George Clooney's wife. She would be banned as well. It is the most ridiculous idea.

And why does Trump want to do this -- well, it's in the wake of the San Bernardino attack where 14 people were shot dead by a radicalised Islamist couple.

It was the 353rd mass shooting in America this year. 353 mass shootings.

I'm trying to think that out of those 353 shootings, how many were claimed by ISIS -- or carried out by Muslims? I'm struggling a bit. Maybe only this one? Maybe there was another? If so, I can't recall. But maybe one or two out of the 353.

Trump says they were slaughtered in San Bernadino because the victims themselves weren't carrying guns. Trump, as you know, supports America's gun laws as they stand right now.

He thinks Americans should be allowed to own semi-automatic weapons.

Americans can buy AR-15 assault rifles over the counter. They can have these on the person.

Extraordinary, isn't it. Get yourself a gun license, walk into a shop, and you can buy one of those. Trump says it's an American right to own one if they chose.

I would suggest that if America wants to preserve life, then they shouldn't worry about Muslims -- instead they might want to start by banning semi-automatic weapons.

Trump is a fool. He has no place on the political stage.

He should go back to doing what he does best -- running beauty pageants. Running the Miss Universe contest.

Let him focus on that instead of wrecking our universe.

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