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Roman Travers: What's going on in the Far North?

Roman Travers,
Publish Date
Wed, 26 Jan 2022, 8:01am
(Photo / NZ Herald)
(Photo / NZ Herald)

Roman Travers: What's going on in the Far North?

Roman Travers,
Publish Date
Wed, 26 Jan 2022, 8:01am

And so, the Far North remains the under performer when it comes to getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. Does anyone really have any firm grasp on why the uptake is so poor? Does anyone really want to see more funding poured into an area of the country that has access to all the forms of communication that we all enjoy – or tolerate – around the rest of the country? 

Te Tai Tokerau is not served well by its leaders – or are they simply being ignored? You once again have Hone Harewera yesterday talking about further roadblocks for Northland vainly attempting to do the right thing for his people. But that’s one voice. 

You have to ask just what on earth anyone can now do to ensure that The Far North inoculation rates get up there in the high 90s as they have elsewhere. 

Currently, 89 percent of the region’s 12 year old plus population have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, and 86 per cent have received two doses. But for Māori here, the poor uptake is concerning:  85 per cent have one shot on board and only 79 percent two shots. 

If you’re listening to me from The Far North and you’re not vaccinated for reasons of apathy, then get your skates on today. Rattle your dags and get vaccinated today. If there continues to be a vacuum of common sense from within the leadership you respect, then who is it you need to hear from in order to protect yourself and your loved ones? 

You may no longer prove to be a handbrake on New Zealand’s economy, but you will undoubtedly be the reason why your already meagre health service will unnecessarily be under the pump. 

Ask yourself if you’re happy to see the doctors and nurses that work tirelessly now – completely exhausted and exacerbated by your privileged, vague and baseless position. 

You’ve been told what’s coming. You can see how stretched our system will become. If you can’t be bothered getting vaccinated for yourself – then do it for those who would rather not be treating you. Please. 

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