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Andrew Dickens: Lets just taihoa a bit

Publish Date
Mon, 13 Feb 2023, 1:01pm

Andrew Dickens: Lets just taihoa a bit

Publish Date
Mon, 13 Feb 2023, 1:01pm

Listening to Kerre Woodham's talkback this morning you can't help but think that people are rushing to an opinion a little hastily.

I say this as a North Shore resident who was told to drive the long way to work at 4.30 this morning, despite the fact that there was no wind and rain. I would be within my rights to be angry at authorities’ over-reaction. The Bridge reopened after 6 and it felt like the person with the power to decide the Bridge status got a good night's sleep, rocked in and said open her up. I presumed as one of the most critical transport infrastructures in the country that it's status was reviewed minute by minute 24 hours a day.

But I have no idea about the process and so I'm rushing to a judgement based on no facts. Something that's easy to do.

The weather people are still saying the worst is still to come. After 5 tonight could get pretty gnarly and tomorrow is not much better, so maybe this is a situation where a little more time is needed to judge the actions of the people in charge.

After all it was just two weeks ago when a failure to warn saw 40,000 Elton John fans go blundering into floodwaters and life threatening situations. A scenario that, if repeated today with all the kids at school, would end with a city of chaos.

So let's just taihoa a bit.

It is a bizarre situation where you start hoping that the doom laden predictions come true, but in a way that's where we are. Already there is a suspicion of experts and every time they get something wrong a little of their credibility disappears until the point where no-one listens, which is the point that we become the most vulnerable.

And at the end of the day the authorities have only offered their opinions because so many of us have shown ourselves incapable of personal responsibility. And their concern is not with the unaffected but the affected.

You might be alright Jack, but spare a thought for those who aren't and remember the old tramping rule: you're only as fast as the slowest member of your party.

And to quote the Poseidon Adventure: there's got to be a morning after. All we have to do is make it to the dawn and then we can review, blame, and praise.

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