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'I am part of this nightmare': France mass rape accused makes rare apology

Marc Leras, Reuters,
Publish Date
Fri, 20 Sep 2024, 2:37pm
Gisele Pelicot in court during the trial of her husband, Dominique Pelicot. Photo / AFP
Gisele Pelicot in court during the trial of her husband, Dominique Pelicot. Photo / AFP

'I am part of this nightmare': France mass rape accused makes rare apology

Marc Leras, Reuters,
Publish Date
Fri, 20 Sep 2024, 2:37pm

WARNING: This story deals with sexual offending and may be distressing. 

Frenchwoman sexually abused by dozens of strangers after being rendered unconscious by her husband has received an apology from one of more than 50 accused. 

One of more than 50 men accused of raping Frenchwoman Gisele Pelicot in a mass rape case that has shocked the world has told her in court he was sorry for what he did. 

Lionel Rodriguez is among a small number of those accused who have admitted to raping Pelicot, who was abused by dozens of strangers during almost a decade while knocked unconscious by drugs her husband, Dominique, gave her without her knowing. 

Dominique Pelicot, who recruited the strangers online and invited them to the couple’s family home to rape his wife, admitted his crimes in court on Monday, saying: “I am a rapist, just like the others [the accused] in this room.” 

Rodriguez, 44, and a father of three, said on Thursday while addressing the 72-year-old Gisele Pelicot: “I am sorry, I can only imagine the nightmare you’ve lived through ... and I am part of this nightmare. I know my apologies won’t change what happened, but I wanted to tell you that.” 

The case has triggered protests across France in support of Gisele Pelicot, who asked for the trial not to be held behind closed doors to shed light on the abuse. 

The fact dozens of seemingly ordinary men, now aged 26 to 74, and from all walks of life, could rape an unconscious woman has attracted worldwide attention and turned the trial into a symbol of the pervasiveness of sexual violence. 

Rodriguez admitted during the investigation that he had raped Gisele Pelicot. In court on Thursday, he repeated he had not meant to rape her, but realises that he did. 

“If I had known she wasn’t aware [of what would happen] I wouldn’t have gone there,” he said. “I should have checked that she was okay with it. I didn’t talk to her, so I could not get her consent. I feel guilty for what I did.” 

Dominique Pelicot is involved in a high-profile trial in France. Photo / SuppliedDominique Pelicot is involved in a high-profile trial in France. Photo / Supplied 

“I never told myself: I will rape that woman,” he said. But “I’m guilty of rape”, he said, adding he should have left when he saw she was unconscious, and that it was cowardly of him not to have said anything. 

Rodriguez also tried to shift some of the blame to Dominique Pelicot, telling the court he had done what the husband had told him to do. 


Where to get help: If it's an emergency and you feel that you or someone else is at risk, call 111. If you've ever experienced sexual assault or abuse and need to talk to someone, contact Safe to Talk confidentially, any time 24/7: 
• Call 0800 044 334 
• Text 4334 
• Email [email protected] 
• For more info or to web chat visit safetotalk.nz 
Alternatively contact your local police station - click here for a list. 
If you have been sexually assaulted, remember it's not your fault. 

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