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Watch: ‘Shame on you’ - Protesters chant at National MPs leaving restaurant

Thomas Coughlan,
Publish Date
Fri, 19 Jan 2024, 11:39am

Watch: ‘Shame on you’ - Protesters chant at National MPs leaving restaurant

Thomas Coughlan,
Publish Date
Fri, 19 Jan 2024, 11:39am

Pro-Palestine Protesters demonstrated outside the restaurant where National Party MPs were dining in Christchurch last night. The protest resulted in one arrest. 

National MPs are in the city for their caucus retreat, a two-day strategy and team building exercise that kicks of the beginning of the political year. 

The protesters want New Zealand to demand an immediate ceasefire. The Government’s most recent position on the conflict is that it supports “urgent international efforts towards a sustainable ceasefire”. 

Videos shared of the shows police engaging with the protesters. Another video showed protesters shouting “shame on you” as MPs filed into a bus to leave a restaurant where they had been dining. 

The protest included members of the Palestine Solidarity Network Christchurch. 

National Deputy Leader Nicola Willis said she respected the protesters’ right to protest. 

“All New Zealanders have a right to protest and we respect that right, as long as it is done peacefully.” 

She said it was for the “police to judge” whether the incident was peaceful. 

“They were there to ensure everyone was kept safe and I think everyone was.” 

A Police spokesperson confirmed that one person had been arrested. 

“Police arrested one person following a disorder incident on Rolleston Ave yesterday, the person was transported from the location and released without charge. 

“There have been no significant incidents reported in relation to the protest in the area, Christchurch Police report that the protest has been conducted without issues,” the spokesperson said. 

Over the summer break, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon resisted calls from the Labour Party to draw closer to South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. 

However, he said yesterday that he believed Israel should abide by international law in the conflict, including any outcome from the case. 

“We’ve said from the beginning that Israel has a right to defend itself, but it has a huge obligation to make sure that it is compliant with international law. 

“While that case is ongoing, we are monitoring and watching that closely but the reality is we expect Israel’s response to be completely compliant with international law.” 

The caucus retreat wraps up today. 

Thomas Coughlan is Deputy Political Editor and covers politics from Parliament. He has worked for the Herald since 2021 and has worked in the press gallery since 2018. 

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