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Watch live: NZ to move to Phase 2 of Omicron response tomorrow night

NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Mon, 14 Feb 2022, 3:34pm

Watch live: NZ to move to Phase 2 of Omicron response tomorrow night

NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Mon, 14 Feb 2022, 3:34pm

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says New Zealand will move to Phase 2 of our Omicron response from 11.59 PM tomorrow. 

A phase of "greater self-management" would soon commence, she said, as New Zealand entered the second phase of the Omicron response. It comes after 981 new Covid-19 cases were reported in the community today – under the Government's three-phase plan for the outbreak, it was expected phase 2 would kick in once numbers topped 1000 cases. 

What Phase 2 means 

Self-isolation requirements are shorter under the second phase, she said. 

The period of self-isolation for close contacts reduces from ten days to seven. 

"These changes that we're making are based on good supporting evidence." 

She said 90 per cent of household contacts likely to test positive would test positive in the first ten days, rather than a longer period. 

The second stage would activate a close contact exemption scheme. 

Asymptomatic, vaccinated close contacts can keep going to work instead of self-isolating, Ardern said. 

Businesses signing up to an essential workforce scheme will be eligible for some free rapid antigen tests. 

While many cases will still be diagnosed by the more familiar PCR test, rapid tests will become more widely used, the PM said. 

Asked if people should adopt a lockdown mentality, director general of health Ashley Bloomfield said current pandemic response settings were designed to keep people safe, and thereby let people conduct normal business. 

There was no need to isolate as much as previously, thanks to high vaccination rates, Bloomfield said. 

Bloomfield makes the point that the "vast majority of cases are in Auckland". 

"We have a two-speed outbreak," Bloomfield said, noting cases will increases will continue to increase in Auckland. 

"We have slowed it down. That's not to say we will see a shallower peak as a result. Only time and boosters will tell us that," Ardern said. 

Ardern said that overseas people changed their behaviour in response to an Omicron outbreak, but then reverted to their normal way of life. 

When can I get a RAT? 

Asked about timeframes for rapid test purchases, Bloomfield said these tests might help people feel safer, but sometimes triggered results nobody expected. 

He said a large number of rapid tests were expected to arrive in late February. 

Ardern said she hoped everybody who needed a rapid test could get one. 

As Omicron cases increase, so too will hospital admissions, Ardern said. 

"Get a booster if you haven't already., It's very clear that the job is not done. Omicron is here...make your booster the first thing to protect yourself." 

"It is a period of disruption and risk. It will be like nothing we have experienced to date. Now is not the time to give up. The way to handle this is the same. Get vaccinated, get tested," Ardern said. 

"I know there is Covid fatigue." 

Ardern said rapid antigen tests had to be confirmed with PCR tests, referring to a local journalist who tested positive for Covid-19. 

"I want to acknowledge they are not always 100 per cent accurate." 

Ardern said the Government's goal was to break the chains of Covid-19 transmission. 

"There is no change to the traffic lights," the PM added, referring to pandemic restrictions. 

Ardern urged people to be kind and tolerant. 

Bloomfield said health officials were working on plans around when rapid antigen tests might be widely available for purchase 

Ardern said eventually, subtle changes would be activated at phase three of the Omicron response. 

"Ultimately...we've always relied on people sharing with us information that keeps their friends, colleagues and loved ones safe." 

Bloomfield said phase three of the response was not inevitable. 

Ardern on using sprinklers v protesters 

The PM was asked about Trevor Mallard's decision to turn sprinklers on at Parliament late last week. 

Ardern said she would not pass judgement on Mallard or police. 

"It has stepped in my mind beyond a protest, given the ongoing harassment and intimidation of people trying to go about their daily lives." 

Ardern was asked about occupiers' recent requests for an audience with the Government. 

"Their request and demands of the New Zealand people is that all public health measures are removed." 

Protesters' demands are that all public health measures be removed, Ardern said. 

"Forgive me if I take a very strong view on that suggestion." 

Some Opposition MPs and business groups in Wellington have criticised the PM for her absence and silence since last Thursday as Police tried to move the protesters, whose vehicles are still blocking streets around Parliament. 

Ardern has said it is up to Police to decide how to handle the situation, but said she wanted the protesters to leave. 

She said did not approve of the tactics of the protesters and said they and their children should go home. 

Police have urged protesters to move their vehicles to parking at the nearby Sky Stadium before 6.30pm. 

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