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Wellington musician allegedly raped sleeping woman

Hazel Osborne,
Publish Date
Mon, 10 Oct 2022, 3:03pm
The man, whose name is suppressed, faces several charges, including rape. Photo / NZME
The man, whose name is suppressed, faces several charges, including rape. Photo / NZME

Wellington musician allegedly raped sleeping woman

Hazel Osborne,
Publish Date
Mon, 10 Oct 2022, 3:03pm

A Wellington musician allegedly raped or sexually violated women as they slept, unable to give consent.

That's the case of the Crown on the first day of a trial in the Wellington District Court for the musician, who has name suppression.

The man is accused of four charges of rape, and two each of indecent assault and unlawful sexual connection.

All charges relate to complainants who were over 16 years old and who also have name suppression.

Prosecutor Kate Feltham opened the Crown's case alleging the complainants were taken advantage of by the defendant in a vulnerable setting, many asleep in their beds after a night of drinking.

Feltham said they weren't in a position to consent.

"He was well aware of that but continued on," she said.

Some had considered themselves friends with the man, who on multiple occasions allegedly said he was just looking for somewhere to sleep after a night of drinking, before climbing into bed and assaulting them, Feltham said.

She said one complainant, who has accused the man of raping her in her bed after a party, blamed herself for what happened.

The court heard that in 2020 a social media post was published about the defendant online, and was seen by a number of the complainants.

"[They were] aware the experiences with the complainant weren't unique to them, and this led to them making police statements," Feltham said.

Six complainants are to give evidence over what has been set down as a seven-day trial, however, the list of witnesses who will give evidence in the trial is more than triple that.

The man's lawyer, Val Nisbet, will make an opening address this afternoon.

Judge Andrew Beacroft warned the jury before opening submissons to "resist the temptation to go get onto the internet".

"Mr Google has no part in this trial," he said. "It's the evidence you hear and is presented in court, that is all you can consider."

The trial continues tomorrow.

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