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Te Pāti Māori ask police to investigate ‘frivolous’ marae data misuse claims

Julia Gabel ,
Publish Date
Fri, 7 Jun 2024, 3:36pm
Te Pati Maori co-leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi with John Tamihere and Meka Whaitiri. Photo / Sylvie Whinray
Te Pati Maori co-leaders Debbie Ngarewa-Packer and Rawiri Waititi with John Tamihere and Meka Whaitiri. Photo / Sylvie Whinray

Te Pāti Māori ask police to investigate ‘frivolous’ marae data misuse claims

Julia Gabel ,
Publish Date
Fri, 7 Jun 2024, 3:36pm

Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer have written to the Prime Minister, the Police Commissioner and the Minister of Police asking for an urgent investigation into the allegations made against the party. 

The party wants the review to be lead by the police. 

The allegations, first reported by Sunday Star-Times, relate to the alleged misuse of Census data and Covid-19 vaccination information at Manurewa Marae for Te Pāti Māori’s election campaign. The marae was headed at the time by Te Pāti Māori MP Takutai Tarsh Kemp. 

The party has described the claims as “baseless and simply untrue” 

Te Pāti Māori president John Tamihere said the party welcomed the independent review which has since been launched by Stats NZ. 

“We consider that given our knowledge, these allegations are frivolous but require police to sanction our view. 

“We have asked the journalist to front with the evidence on behalf of those making the allegations. They have not,” Tamihere said. 

“We welcome an immediate investigation into these allegations to once again prove our innocence, and to highlight the bias in media.” 

In another statement yesterday, Tamihere called the allegations “baseless innuendo”. 

“If there is any evidence, then show us so we have a reason to engage in a conversation.” 

Tamihere also provided the initial response he had given to the Sunday Star-Times, who first reported the allegations, about Census collection. 

In that, he had denied any misuse of the data collected at the marae, saying as part of its contract it had to destroy all hard copies of the information and erase data. 

Act leader David Seymour said yesterday Government agencies need to get to the bottom of the allegations surrounding Te Pāti Māori as fast as possible to determine whether wrongdoing has occurred - or the party has been “unfairly maligned”. 

Seymour said the allegations were “extremely serious” and trust in the electoral system and confidential collection of personal information was paramount. 

“Agencies are currently establishing the facts. Either serious wrongdoing has occurred, or a political party has been unfairly maligned,” he said. 

“Either way, agencies must get to the bottom of what has occurred as quickly as possible, or the Government will need to consider alternative options for establishing the facts and whether wrongdoing has taken place.” 

Police have said they are looking into the matter. 

Finance Minister Nicola Willis said on Thursday the Government was getting advice on whether the allegations required further action - and what the options were. 

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon called the allegations “pretty concerning” and warranting a prompt investigation. 

“It’s good there’s an investigation under way, they are serious allegations and they deserve to be investigated and it’s important that they are.” 

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