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Ardern fronts media after film studio visit

NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Tue, 4 Oct 2022, 1:44pm

Ardern fronts media after film studio visit

NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Tue, 4 Oct 2022, 1:44pm

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern faced questions from media after visiting the Auckland Film Studios in West Auckland.

She also made an endorsement of Efeso Collins the Labour-endorsed candidate for Auckland mayor.

Ardern said on Monday it was clear she endorsed all Labour-endorsed candidates, but later added she would make a specific endorsement of Collins.

Ardern has an economic focus this week. On Monday she attacked National's tax plan for its similarities with the tax cut and spending promises unveiled by the British Government, which sent the financial markets into a tailspin.

The Government's accounts will be released tomorrow, showing the scale of the damage the Omicron and Delta waves to the Government's books.

The film industry has enjoyed particular largesse under this and previous governments. International productions qualify to get 20-25 cents of every dollar they spend here rebated to them under the Screen Production Grant scheme.

The Government reviewed the scheme after the sheer volume of film work caused it to run significantly ahead of budget forecasts.

However, in New York City last month, Ardern confirmed to international film executives the scheme was here to stay and the review would only look at minor adjustments to give the Government and film companies "certainty".

"There's elements of the incentive regime where we've just had to ask, 'can you think about how to just give a bit more certainty?'" Ardern told the Herald.

"It is not a consultation to decide whether we should remove incentives, because to do that would remove the industry," she said.

Collins will likely welcome Ardern's endorsement in Auckland, where he faces a tough challenge from Wayne Brown, the main right-of-centre candidate who will enjoy the consolidated support of Leo Malloy and Viv Beck - right-of-centre candidates who have dropped out of the race.

Turnout has been low across the country for local body elections.

Ardern said on Monday that turnout had traditionally been low in local body elections until the "final period".

"It's hard to say where it will land, but I am worried, because you would of course want to see it a bit higher than it is now," she said.

"I do think it's time for us to have to work with local government and say, from local government's perspective, 'What do you think will bring the greatest engagement with your voters?'" she said.

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