The Government's been urged to step in, as rental costs in Auckland force vulnerable families to relocate elsewhere.
The Auckland Property Investors Association is encouraging landlords to use the current market condition as a springboard for regular rent increases, however Mangere Budgeting Services chief executive Darryl Evans said that will make 2016 a tough year for many tenants.Â
Evans said it's disappointing to see landlords pass the buck on to their tenants.
"Where renting used to be a viable option, for now many are just hanging on by their fingertips, and I think the Government really does have to put some focus on what they can do."
He said the new year is taking its toll on a number of families, with the number of people on waiting lists to get into state houses rising by the day.
"I had a week off over the Christmas period, I've just come back to work and I've already seen three families where the landlord has already advised them that the rent is going to be increased, so it's going to be a difficult New Year for many."
Evans has spoken to an increasing number of families who are having to leave the super city for cheaper rentals further south.Â
"We've seen people leave Mangere and they're going to places like Tuakau, Pokeno, Mercer, Meremere, we've seen some families go down to Ngaruawahia."
But Auckland landlords are defending their rent hikes. Auckland Property Investors' Association vice-president Peter Lewis said landlords aren't to blame.
"You can argue on one side of course that a landlords is not a social worker, he's like any other business, and as with those businesses he should charge a market price."Â
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