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'Terrifying' half-naked man stabbing: Former MP caught up as witness

Rotorua Daily Post,
Publish Date
Mon, 27 Jun 2022, 1:25pm

'Terrifying' half-naked man stabbing: Former MP caught up as witness

Rotorua Daily Post,
Publish Date
Mon, 27 Jun 2022, 1:25pm


A man was running around Rotorua partially naked in the hours leading up to being critically stabbed on Saturday night. 

Former New Zealand First MP Ron Mark was visiting Rotorua and became a witness to the drama, which has left other witnesses shocked and terrified. 

The scene on Victoria St. Photo/ Supplied by Ron Mark

The scene on Victoria St. Photo/ Supplied by Ron Mark 

A woman has told the Rotorua Daily Post a half-naked man was banging on her windows and doors, trying to get into her house and another woman, who found the man outside her hostel with blood pumping out of his chest, said the stabbing should not have happened if people had called police earlier. 

A police investigation is underway after the man was found outside EJ's Dormitel on Victoria St about 11.30pm on Saturday. 

Forensic teams were at the property on Sunday with two marquees set up as well as two sheets of tarpaulin behind a cordon. 

A Lakes District Health Board spokeswoman said today the patient was transferred to Waikato Hospital on Sunday in a serious but stable condition. 

Former MP Ron Mark. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Former MP Ron Mark. Photo / Mark Mitchell 

Former New Zealand First MP Ron Mark, in Rotorua for a family event, said a man without pants on was seen climbing out of a screaming woman's house on Toko St. 

Mark said his family was getting ready for bed when two of his family members, who were sleeping in a campervan, ran into the house to tell them about the "hell of a commotion across the road". 

The family went outside and heard a woman screaming "there is a man in my house" and saw a man climbing out of her window without pants on. 

Mark said the man "had a go" at two neighbours who tried to investigate before he ran off. 

Mark called the police who later arrived with a police dog. 

Adrian Renata found the man's bloodied body on Victoria St. Photo / Mead Norton

Adrian Renata found the man's bloodied body on Victoria St. Photo / Mead Norton 

Adrian Renata, who lives at EJ's emergency housing hostel, said the man had been at the complex earlier in the day, about 11am. She said he had no clothes on and had been play fighting with some of the people at the hostel. 

She said the hostel catered for up to 14 residents needing emergency housing but the naked man did not live there. 

She said no one thought to ring police about the man's actions, including herself, which she was now "kicking" herself over. 

"You would think a guy running around naked and someone would complain." 

After 11pm, she heard the commotion outside and saw the man on the ground with blood everywhere. She said there were three people kicking him. 

A dog from the hostel was licking up the man's blood, she said. 

"He was just lying there grunting. There was a lot of blood ... That stabbing didn't need to happen." 

Despite being first aid trained, Renata said she froze. 

"I can't get it out of my head. I'm losing sleep over this." 

A young family who live nearby told the Rotorua Daily Post they now want to move after the man earlier tried to get into their house. 

A woman from the family said a man was seen and heard making noise on the street and he was going through a rubbish bin. 

About 11pm, she was in the living room with her baby and partner when they heard a man banging on their windows and trying to open their door and windows. 

They turned the light on and opened the curtain, and his face was right at the clear sliding door. He was "completely naked" from the waist down and wore a vest. 

She said he appeared to be on some kind of substance. 

The young family was "really freaked out," she said, still feeling shaken up, and said she went into shock. 

"I grabbed my phone and told him I was going to call the police. In that moment, he was still trying to get in." 

She said it took about 20 minutes to get through to the police and in that time, he had gone to another property on Eason St. 

She said while she did not see the man make his way to the other property, they saw him being chased out of a house where about 30 to 40 people were having a party, she said. 

"They didn't even get to the corner and most of them started running back saying he had been stabbed." 

Police cordons on Eason St on Sunday. Photo / Ben Fraser

Police cordons on Eason St on Sunday. Photo / Ben Fraser 

By then, she had made contact with emergency services. 

She did not go to sleep until 5am on Sunday which was "most definitely out of fear", and also got her partner to take a day off work today to stay with her. 

She said the family had been looking for a new place to live for the last few months with all the commotion and "drama" that happened in the area. 

Neighbours of where the Easton St party was held said those at the house were mainly teenagers. 

She said they woke to hear a ruckus around 11pm with lots of raised voices from "heaps of young kids". 

Police forensic tape on the blood-stained fence of an Eason St house. Photo / Mead Norton

Police forensic tape on the blood-stained fence of an Eason St house. Photo / Mead Norton 

She wasn't sure what happened but a man had jumped their fence and had left blood stains on palings. 

"Hopefully we will be moving soon because we don't want to listen to that anymore. We are the working ones and we want to sleep." 

Police had not provided an update today morning but yesterday said they were interested in speaking with anyone who was in the vicinity between 10.30pm and 11.30pm and noticed anything out of the ordinary. 

Information can be provided to Rotorua police, 105, or Crime Stoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, referencing file number 220626/7747. 

- Cira Olivier and Kelly Makiha, Rotorua Daily Post

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