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Korean ski team including Olympian involved in triple-fatal Canterbury crash

Anna Leask,
Publish Date
Thu, 22 Aug 2024, 2:11pm

Korean ski team including Olympian involved in triple-fatal Canterbury crash

Anna Leask,
Publish Date
Thu, 22 Aug 2024, 2:11pm

Members of Korea’s national ski team were involved in a head-on crash between two vehicles yesterday where three people died.

The Herald has learned that members of the team, coaches and others were travelling in convoy after a day of training when the crash happened.

It is unclear what caused the crash and the identities of the three people who died and whether they are athletes or wider team members is yet to be confirmed.

A source close to the team spoke to the Herald from Korea.

“As you know they were all ski racers, it’s very sad news for our ski community,” he said.

“Everybody is very shocked (it’s a) very sad loss for our ski family.

“They are so young and very talented racers.”

Two others were seriously injured in the crash that happened on State Highway 7 at about 3.15pm yesterday.

Aoraki Area Commander Inspector Vicki Walker said the vehicles – a 4WD and a people-mover – were travelling in opposite directions when the crash occurred.

”The vehicles have collided and the investigation will focus on exactly how that occurred,” she said.

Police are working to formally identify the victims today.

The deaths have also been referred to the Coroner.

”Three of the deceased were travelling in the people-mover,” said Walker.

“Another person travelling with them was critically injured.”

A source confirmed members of Korea’s national ski team were involved in the crash. She had not yet heard who had died.

She said the crash was witnessed by a number of other team members including a recent Olympic competitor.

The team are in New Zealand to compete at the Winter Games in Queenstown at Cardrona, Coronet Peak and The Remarkables.

The games are due to start tomorrow.

A spokeswoman said she had no information about the crash.

The team had been training at Roundhill Ski Area at Tekapo. Videos were shared online of team members training both on land and snow.

A spokesperson from the Korean Embassy in Wellington could not comment on the fatal crash.

“At this stage, we are unable to provide any information regarding this matter as the investigation is still on the way by the police,” they said.

Three people have died in a two-vehicle crash on State Highway 79 near Geraldine. Photo / George Heard
Three people have died in a two-vehicle crash on State Highway 79 near Geraldine. Photo / George Heard

Walker said the driver of the 4WD - the sole occupant of that vehicle - was also seriously injured.

”Losing so many lives at once is shocking and our hearts go out to those involved,” Walker said.

She confirmed yesterday that the three people who died were part of a group visiting the district - and other members of that group were following behind the vehicle at the time of the crash.

”We’re wrapping support around them and will be speaking with them to help establish what occurred,” said Walker.

”Incidents like this are hard on everyone involved, and our communities too.

The two surviving crash victims were airlifted to Christchurch Hospital in a critical and serious condition respectively. Photo / George Heard
The two surviving crash victims were airlifted to Christchurch Hospital in a critical and serious condition respectively. Photo / George Heard

A Hato Hone St John spokesperson confirmed two helicopters, four ambulances, a rapid response vehicle and an operations manager had responded.

A Fire and Emergency NZ spokesperson confirmed about 16 firefighters also responded to the scene.

The incident occurred on the same stretch of road where a campervan crash killed three people in April last year.

It also comes after one person died in a collision between a truck and a car nearby just a week earlier.

The two-vehicle crash happened shortly before 8.30am on August 14 on SH79, north of Geraldine near the intersection of Keen Rd and Main North Rd.

Anna Leask is a Christchurch-based reporter who covers national crime and justice. She joined the Herald in 2008 and has worked as a journalist for 18 years with a particular focus on family violence, child abuse, sexual violence, homicides, mental health and youth crime. She writes, hosts and produces the award-winning podcast A Moment In Crime, released monthly on nzherald.co.nz

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