An Australian influencer’s beauty brand has come under fire after sending a promotional text message that slags off one of the country’s tourist hotspots to sell her new scent.
The message, sent by Hideaway Online to Kiwi subscribers, read: “Chur bro, you stink like Rotorua aye. Grab some of this mean as perfume from the cuz round the corner.”
Hideaway Online is co-founded by Ashy Bines, who also serves as its creative director.
The initial text was quickly followed up with another that read: “Sorry if our last msg came off wrong! Just Kiwi banter! We’ve got proud Kiwis on the team & meant no offence. Just love.”
Consumers who received the promotional texts from Hideaway Online were quick to slam the 'offensive' messaging. Image / Supplied
The texts were met with immediate criticism on social media, with many calling it an insult rather than an effective marketing strategy.
“Whoever thought the marketing text you just sent out to New Zealanders mocking our slang would go down well as an Australian company missed the mark big time. Wow,” one user commented.
Another wrote, “Wild marketing strategy - offending every New Zealand woman. It’s giving mean girl energy and a big nope. From a former customer.”
Others were confused by the message’s wording and questioned whether it was a genuine campaign or an error.
“What the hell did you just txt me?” one customer asked.
Another added: “Absolutely wild text to send that isn’t identifiable as your brand until you actually open it 👎🏻 looks like spam and doesn’t make anyone want to buy your product.”
Rotorua mayor Tania Tapsell said it was “unbelievably unfortunate” that an influencer and her team in Australia thought the message was acceptable.
“They clearly don’t have a grasp on reality as Rotorua is a beautiful place with beautiful people, that’s why we get up to 3 million visitors a year.”
She said she supported the people online who called out the view and that she respected and appreciated the apology.
“It still raises concerns about how offensive their perception of us was,” she said.
While Hideaway Online has not issued a public apology, the social media page has responded to some individual comments acknowledging the message was offensive and that they had not considered how it might be received.
The messages were sent out to promote the brand's new line of perfume. Image / Supplied
“We did not mean to offend anyone! Half of our team are Kiwis - who wrote this SMS message, and we thought it was cheeky banter. We are sincerely sorry for the way we have come across!” The page wrote.
For some, the apology did little to repair the damage.
One poster wrote: “We sincerely apologise for sending that text without considering that our words might be offensive, insulting, and even possibly degrading’—weird, seemed like that was exactly the intent behind the text.”
Said another: “Ummmm people don’t speak like that in New Zealand… read the room, it’s not funny.”
Despite the backlash, some customers defended the brand.
One supporter commented, “As a Kiwi girl @hideawayonline ignore these hate comments! Your stuff is so nice. I’ve just ordered 2 body mists and 1 perfume.”
Bines has been approached for comment.
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