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Gang leader killed: 50 extra police sent to Ōpōtiki ahead of funeral

Megan Wilson, NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 8:04am

Gang leader killed: 50 extra police sent to Ōpōtiki ahead of funeral

Megan Wilson, NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Wed, 14 Jun 2023, 8:04am

An extra 50 police officers have been sent to Ōpōtiki to provide “community reassurance” after the death of gang leader Steven Taiatini and in the build-up to his funeral today.

The funeral for the slain Mongrel Mob Barbarians president will take place at the Hillcrest Crematorium in Whakatāne at noon followed by his cremation.

Taiatini, 45, was killed in what police called a “disorder-related incident” on St John St, Ōpōtiki, on Friday. Police have launched a homicide investigation.

His death has sparked tension in the small township with the fears of retribution causing schools to close and stopping public transport.

Eastern Bay of Plenty Acting Area Commander Tristan Murray told the Rotorua Daily Post on Tuesday there were 50 extra staff in Ōpōtiki to provide “some community reassurance” after Taiatini’s death and leading up to his funeral.

“There’ll be additional staffing coming to cover the Whakatāne side of things as well as what’s happening here in Ōpōtiki.”

Ahead of the funeral, Murray said police gang liaison officers had been talking to gang leaders of “all factions”.

“Having been out on the ground and driving around [on Tuesday], the gang members present have been very well-behaved. They’re all congregating in one particular area and we’re not actually seeing any issues at this stage.

“We deal with these sorts of things all the time in the Bay of Plenty. We’re taking due precautions to have the resources in the right place if they’re needed.”

Murray advised there would be some traffic disruption “in and around Ōpōtiki” from 10am to “at least” 1.30pm or 2pm today.

“It’s only natural when you get a large contingent as we’ve got for this tangi that there will be a big procession of vehicles.

“We’re already well planned for that and we will have staff in the right positions at the right time to make it as seamless as possible.”

Murray said the Mongrel Mob, the predominant gang in Ōpōtiki, had been “really well behaved” and there had been “no significant issues”.

Members of the Mongrel Mob Barbarians line Buchanan St in Ōpōtiki for the tangi of leader Steven Rota Taiatini who was killed on St John St on June 9. Photo / NZME

Members of the Mongrel Mob Barbarians line Buchanan St in Ōpōtiki for the tangi of leader Steven Rota Taiatini who was killed on St John St on June 9. Photo / NZME

“As a police force, we’re used to policing gangs and we have got the resources in the right place should they be needed. And our gang liaison officers have expressed that to the gang leaders.

“If there is any behaviour that’s obviously illegal, we will take action in regards to that so that message has been well conveyed to them.”

Earlier, Detective Inspector Lew Warner said police investigating Taiatini’s death were seeking information on a burnt-out vehicle.

The vehicle was found on Sunday morning on Waiotahe Valley Rd and police believe it was set alight overnight on Saturday.

Investigators were conducting extensive inquiries into Taiatini’s death, including whether there was any connection with the vehicle.

“We are committed to establishing what has occurred and locating those responsible for his death.”

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins told Newstalk ZB’s Mike Hosking yesterday it was “unacceptable” that Ōpōtiki had been brought to a standstill after the slaying brought gang members to the area and fears of retribution.

Hipkins said schools closing and services such as public transport stopping due to the increase in gang activity was not acceptable.

“That clearly indicates that there is a situation that police need to get on top of,” he said.

“It’s unacceptable to be in a position where gang tension is leading to schools being closed and so I do expect that police will do something about that.

“I think it’s important to back police to do the job that they need to do, and they need to do that independently of politicians,” he said.

National’s acting police spokesperson Paul Goldsmith said school closures in Ōpōtiki were a “graphic and shocking illustration” of the extent of lawlessness in parts of New Zealand.

He said it underlined the need to “crack down on those peddling misery, intimidating towns, and harming the Kiwi kids who will this week miss out on even more class time”.

Ōpōtiki College confirmed it would be closed on Wednesday while Ashbrook School and Ōpōtiki Primary School said on Facebook they were also closed.

Ōpōtiki mayor David Moore told AM that he and the police were working to calm tensions in the town.

He said those in town for the tangi were behaving so far. However, there was concern about a retribution attack.

“We are doing our best to prevent that from happening, but we can only do what we can.”

He said schools closing for a few days was probably a good idea.

 “The schools that were open [on Monday], a large number of children were away anyway.”

Gang members were still members of the community, he said.

“We just have to give the whānau some respect and hopefully the police work quickly to solve this case.”

Anyone with concerns for their safety is urged to call 111 immediately.

Anyone with information that may assist the police in their investigation is asked to contact police on 105 or online using the update report.

Please reference file number: 230610/2652.

Alternatively, report information anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

- Additional reporting NZ Herald

Megan Wilson is a health and general news reporter for the Bay of Plenty Times and Rotorua Daily Post. She has been a journalist since 2021.

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