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Philip Polkinghorne trial timeline: A look back as jury set to begins deliberations

NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Wed, 18 Sept 2024, 9:33pm

Philip Polkinghorne trial timeline: A look back as jury set to begins deliberations

NZ Herald,
Publish Date
Wed, 18 Sept 2024, 9:33pm

After eight weeks spanning three calendar months, jurors in the strange and salacious – and more often than not riveting – Philip Polkinghorne murder trial will finally start deliberating.

It was expected the group would retire to begin the process late today, after spending the entire morning listening to the final half of the defence closing address and over two hours this afternoon receiving directions from Justice Graham Lang as he summed up the case. But the judge instead sent the group home at 4.30, instructing them to return to the High Court at Auckland at 10am tomorrow to begin the process.

Jurors are tasked with sifting through the evidence of more than 80 Crown and defence witnesses whose individual trips to the witness box spanned from 10 minutes to four days.

Of the roughly dozen reporters from all major New Zealand media outlets who attended the trial, nearly half were sent by NZME and the Herald. Between three and five Herald journalists followed the trial each day and generated more than 100 reports, focusing on live updates, twice daily summaries of the proceedings, a podcast, columns and longer form stories yet to come. Put together, the reports make the most comprehensive publically available review of the case to date.

Here’s a look back at how the trial progressed. Just click into the link and you can read the midday and evening wraps of what happened each of day, along with an opinion piece from Steve Braunias.

Week One: July 29-Aug 2

Monday (Day 1)

Morning: ‘Like something out of a crime novel’: Crown delivers opening address

Afternoon: ‘He loved his wife; she loved him’: Defence responds, 111 call played

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: A case from the golden age of tabloid journalism

Tuesday (Day 2)

Morning: Paramedics recall eye surgeon’s demeanour, strange head graze

Afternoon: Scene deemed ‘suspicious’ as Polkinghorne gave first police statement

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Acceptable demeanours at a crime scene

Wednesday (Day 3)

Morning: Detectives describe rope ‘tension check’ that triggered initial suspicions

Afternoon: How a suicide call-out morphed to a murder investigation

Thursday (Day 4)

Canadian rope expert concludes knot found at scene wouldn’t support Hanna’s weight

Friday (Day 5)

Jury views last-known video of Hanna, using orange rope at tip day before death

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Week one of the most scandalous trial of the century

Five days, 13 witnesses: A recap of week one

Week Two: Aug 5-Aug 9

Monday (Day 6)

Morning: ‘A full-on week’: Forensic scientist describes extensive scene examination

Afternoon: Defence suggests robe urine stains bolster suicide evidence

Tuesday (Day 7)

‘Acting like a weirdo’: Longtime friend suspected Polkinghorne was on drugs

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: A portrait of ‘Polky’

Wednesday (Day 8)

Morning: Defendant found at Mt Cook chalet with escort weeks after wife’s death

Afternoon: Jurors hear defendant in his own words as police interview played

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: The expressive doctor

Thursday (Day 9)

Morning: Hanna’s brother recounts candid convos about defendant’s anger, infidelity

Afternoon: Jury hears Hanna’s voice, says ‘sex fiend’ husband emotionally abusive

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: The manic sex life of ‘Polky’

Friday (Day 10)

Jury visits Polkinghorne home; friend recalls Hanna warning, ‘If anything happens to me...’

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Auckland is the star of Philip Polkinghorne’s trial

Week Three: Aug 12-Aug 16

Monday (Day 11)

Morning: Hanna contemplated divorce but feared money had been swindled - niece

Afternoon: Defence highlights work stress as Hanna’s co-workers testify

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: ‘Polky’ and the sex workers

Tuesday (Day 12)

Morning: First pathologist unsure if cause of death was hanging, strangulation

Afternoon: Second pathologist unsure if cause of death was hanging, strangulation

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: A science lesson at the Auckland High Court

Wednesday (Day 13)

Morning: Friend describes prior strangle outcry: ‘He could do that at any time’

Afternoon: ‘He tried to strangle me’: Second witness recalls Hanna’s outcry

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Feral crowds and take-no-shit witnesses

Thursday (Day 14)

Morning: Defence suggests outcry witness was ‘gilding the lily’ for Crown

Afternoon: Hanna’s GP quizzed over weight-loss drugs, anti-depressants and alcohol

Friday (Day 15)

Morning: ‘You should try it’: Colleague recalls Polkinghorne’s meth disclosure day before funeral

Afternoon: Auckland Eye director describes bizarre, ‘agitated’ meeting outburst

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Polkinghorne murder trial a fixation on class

Week Four: Aug 19-Aug 23


no court

Tuesday (Day 16)

Morning: Co-workers describe discovery of P pipe at Polkinghorne’s workplace

Afternoon: Company found concerning levels of P at surgeon’s workplace

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Philip Polkinghorne and the Sweet Puff meth pipe

Wednesday (Day 17)

Morning: Polkinghorne spent almost $300k on six women - police accountant

Afternoon: $106k transferred to escort Madison Ashton; Hanna’s spending also examined

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Polkinghorne goes shopping at the sex supermarket

Thursday (Day 18)

Morning: Addiction psychiatrist describes ‘positive association between aggression, meth use’

Afternoon: Laptop reveals Polkinghorne’s marriage discontent, sex tape with escort

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Philip Polkinghorne and a love story gone bad

Friday (Day 19)

Morning: ‘I cannot live if that is the result’: Hanna’s laptop shows relationship despair

Afternoon: Defendant’s phone revealed secret ‘strangulation’ search, love notes with escort

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: What it’s like to spend four weeks in court

Week Five: Aug 26-Aug 30

Monday (Day 20)

Morning: ‘We are going to last 100 years,’ Polkinghorne told escort weeks after wife’s death

Afternoon: Defence seeks to downplay intimate messages with Madison Ashton

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Private passions made public

Tuesday (Day 21)

Morning: ‘Misleading impression’: Defence criticises officer who examined phones

Afternoon: Defence says Hanna typed aborted 4am messages hours before reported suicide

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Doctor was loving husband – shock claim

Wednesday (Day 22)

Morning: Jury views Auckland Eye CCTV, lead cop reveals $13k worth of meth found in home

Afternoon: Where’s Madison? Last Crown witness called, with notable omission; 4am messages contested

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: The Crown lays its last brick in the wall


no court

Friday (Day 23)

Morning: Defence opening address critiques ‘intoxicated’ police; Hanna’s sister recalls 1990s suicide outcry

Afternoon: ‘She did not look well’: Corporate climber turned Anglican priest recalls odd convo with Hanna

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Doctor’s songs of innocence

Week Six: Sept 2-Sept 6

Monday (Day 24)

Morning: At two separate dinner parties, witnesses noticed Hanna was ‘stressed’ over work

Afternoon: Alibi or evidence tampering? Polkinghorne bloodstain scrutinised

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: In defence of the good doctor

Tuesday (Day 25)

Morning: Pauline Hanna’s hair stylist, couple’s accountant testify

Afternoon: Jurors view mechanical engineer’s suppressed suicide research

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: A day in the life of Pauline Hanna

Wednesday (Day 26)

Morning: ‘Pretty grim stuff’: Veteran pathologist gives evidence for defence

Afternoon: Polkinghorne defence expert pans Crown’s staged suicide theory

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Dr Death appears as witness


no court

Friday (Day 27)

Morning: Pathologist says he would have ruled Hanna’s death a suicide

Afternoon: Psychiatrist describes ‘cocktail of high-risk factors’, Crown sleep attack theory revealed

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: At the sharp end of the Polkinghorne murder trial

Bonus Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Six weeks of courtroom drama

Week Seven: Sept 9-Sept 13


no court

Tuesday (Day 28)

Morning: Second defence pathologist endorses suicide finding for Pauline Hanna

Afternoon: ‘Want desperately to tell someone’: Shock Pauline Hanna email unearthed

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Two forensic pathologists walk into a bar

Wednesday (Day 29)

Familiar faces return to witness box; juror dismissed for personal reasons

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Let us interrogate supernatural beings

Thursday (Day 30)

Morning: Did Hanna use phone at 4am before death? Duelling IT experts face off

Afternoon: ‘Vicious circle’ of sleep deprivation may have upped suicide risk, expert says

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Beneath the vapour of terror

Friday (Day 31)

Two mental health professors last to give evidence as defence case ends

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: We have reached the most critical point

Week Eight: Sept 16 - Sept 18

Monday (Day 32)

Morning: ‘No innocent explanation’: Crown paints Polkinghorne as manipulative, arrogant killer

Afternoon: Surgeon’s life became ‘aggressively shambolic’ with sex, spending and violence before wife’s murder - Crown

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: Polkinghorne, the opera

Tuesday (Day 33)

Morning: Defendant suffered ‘indignity and insult’ as Crown tried to concoct ‘murder mystery’ - defence

Afternoon: Bulk meth purchases, ‘strangulation’ search not unusual, defence argues

Steve Braunias opinion [premium]: A rich man womanising and a wronged woman dying

Wednesday (Day 34)

Morning: Defence warns against ‘emotional vigilantism’, summing up begins

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