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Gang brawl involving dozens unfolds after person reportedly hit by car

Publish Date
Sat, 9 Jul 2022, 12:27pm
Police arrest and question several people involved in the gang brawl. Photo / Supplied
Police arrest and question several people involved in the gang brawl. Photo / Supplied

Gang brawl involving dozens unfolds after person reportedly hit by car

Publish Date
Sat, 9 Jul 2022, 12:27pm

A gang brawl broke out in Whangārei central after a person was reportedly hit by a car late this morning. 

Ambulance crew, several police officers, fire service and City Safe staffers are at the scene trying to defuse the fight, which spread across Walton Street in Whangārei. 

Man arrested in gang brawl led to police car. Photo / Supplied Man arrested in gang brawl led to police car. Photo / Supplied 

A witness said he could see a man on the ground after he was hit by a car. 

A person was reportedly hit by a car in Whangarei. Photo / Supplied A person was reportedly hit by a car in Whangarei. Photo / Supplied 

Several people, who looked to be in their 20s, had been arrested, the witness said. 

He said a gang brawl had covered the street with about 20 to 30 people involved and about 100 people watching on. 

Between 20 to 30 people were involved in the brawl and about 100 people surrounded the area watching. Photo / SuppliedBetween 20 to 30 people were involved in the brawl and about 100 people surrounded the area watching. Photo / Supplied 

Photos show several people being arrested by police. 

Another image shows a person lying on the ground next to a dented car being attended to by fire service crew. 

Emergency services at the scene where a person was reportedly hit by a car before a gang brawl broke out. Photo / Supplied Emergency services at the scene where a person was reportedly hit by a car before a gang brawl broke out. Photo / Supplied 

A police spokeswoman said: "Our team up north are still working out exactly has happened here so we'll come back to you when we have more clarity." 

More to come. 


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