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‘Absurd and dangerous’: Drink driver nabbed by police nearly 10 times over legal limit in Otago

Ben Tomsett,
Publish Date
Mon, 22 Jul 2024, 3:51pm

‘Absurd and dangerous’: Drink driver nabbed by police nearly 10 times over legal limit in Otago

Ben Tomsett,
Publish Date
Mon, 22 Jul 2024, 3:51pm

Police have slammed the actions of a motorist caught driving while 10 times over the breath alcohol limit at the weekend.

The driver was stopped by police in Cromwell and blew over 2000mcg.

Otago coastal road policing manager Senior Sergeant Karl Hemmingsen said the incident was “absurd and dangerous”, and it was lucky there were no tragic consequences.

“We see too many preventable deaths on our roads, and we make no apology for targeting these high-risk driving behaviours including restraints, impairment, distractions, and speed (RIDS),” he said in a statement on Monday.

“We know these RIDS behaviours can make the difference for if you are involved in a crash, and if that crash leads to permanent and often tragic consequences.”

The driver was just one of dozens of motorists dealt with by Otago police at the weekend.

Police issued more than 50 speeding infringements and dealt with seven drivers over the legal breath alcohol limit during an operation targeting high-risk driving behaviours.

Five drivers were suspended after being clocked exceeding the speed limit by more than 40km/h, while two were identified at nearly triple the legal breath alcohol limit.

They have been summoned to appear in Dunedin District Court at a later date.

Hemmingsen said drink-driving and speeding were dangerous actions that can have disastrous consequences.

“We want everyone to have a good time, but not at the expense of putting yourselves or others at risk. Have a pre-plan to get home safely, have a charged phone, so you can book an Uber, taxi, or call a friend to come and get you, ensure you have cash for if your phone dies and you need to book a taxi,” he said.

“Our aim is to prevent tragic consequences on our roads, not to issue the most infringements.

“Your speed, state of mind and manner of driving really make a difference, especially at this time of year when black ice forms and fog can often stretch the open roads.

“The speed limit is just that a limit, and not a target. Especially with the adverse conditions winter often brings, it is essential that you judge the right speed for that stretch of road in those conditions.

“Our message is simple: Drive to the conditions and don’t drive if you are drinking.”

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