What do you define as political campaigning, and what constitutes hate speech?
Donald Trump, I think, constitutes the latter.
He is taking American and World race relations back into the dark ages. His comments are so inciting, so irresponsible, and tragically, he is still the frontrunner in the Republican bid for the White House.
He has been speaking at a rally in New Hampshire and at that rally he said that if he becomes President, he will send home every Syrian refugee.
But what is worse is that he spoke to a school and he said to the children, and I quote “I hear we want to take in 200,000 Syrians. And they could be- listen (he said)- they could be the Islamic State.”
And then he described refugees in America not as people, but as a 200,000-strong army. And he said this to children.
And he told them “if I win, every one of them is going back.”
How would you feel as a parent?
How is it that a school let a campaigning politican speak to students - let alone a twisted, bigoted and globally naïve fool like Trump.
He can make money. Lots of it. But he has such a morally corrupt and simplistic view of the world.
White people are good. Brown people are bad. Poor people are bad. He is sexist. He is elitist. He has, just as George Bush Jr did, a childlike knowledge of the world and foreign policy.
He has crossed a line, I think, and has become fluent in hate speech. Remember he referred to Mexicans, recently, as importers of rape?
Have we become more tolerant of such blatant racism? Do these sort of comments just wash over us? He should never have been allowed to speak with children, his comments should never have been broadcast. And for the good of the world, Donald Trump should never come within 100 miles of the White House.
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