Whanganui's Salvation Army wants local landlords to drop prejudices about the city's homeless.
The charity has funding for seven rentals, but is struggling to find long term housing for those in need.
Major Glenn Anderson said their tenants would be better than some private renters, because the Sallies offers more check-ins and resources to ensure tenancy is running smoothly.
But he said some landlords can't get past the charity association.
"[There's] sort of a stereotypical preconceived idea about what our tenants would be like. Some think all our tenants are people who have been evicted previously and will trash their places. Well, it's just not going to happen."
Major Alexander said the Salvation Army has hired a part time tenancy manager and full time social worker who have successfully found four rentals.
But he said any new options that pop up would be well received because the situation isn't great.
"Housing New Zealand has very little if any stock available for current rentals, so that's a challenge for our communities to find longer term housing for people."
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