A new report shows families in the main centres aren't the only ones struggling on low incomes and rising living costs.
The Council of Christian Services will present its sixth and final annual Vulnerability Report to denominational leaders at a meeting in Lower Hutt this morning.
It shows demand for food banks, emergency housing and support is rising and is still much higher than it was before the recession.
Council executive officer Trevor McGlinchey said while Auckland has a critical lack of housing, incomes are also too low in other parts of the country.
"Whether people are on benefits, whether they're on low income jobs, we really need to see an increase in income levels for those with the least amongst us."
The final report, out this morning, shows demand for Government social services has declined from record levels in 2009.
But Mr McGlinchey said charities and community groups are still dealing with high levels of need around the country.
"That levelled off a bit but more recently it's been climbing again and it's never gone back to its pre Global Financial Crisis point."
He said since the recession, incomes have remained static while costs of living have continued to increase.
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